Support for Flood and Landslide Victims
13 January 2025 – With the support of Help for Nepal and Jeevan Vigyan UK, Nagarjuna Learning Center distributed corrugated sheets (roofing materials) on January 13 (Poush 29) to eight families recommended by Ward No. 4 of Nagarjuna Municipality. The distribution event was conducted in the presence of Deputy Mayor Rameshwar Singh Khadka and other ward officials, as stated by program coordinator Bimala Adhikari. More at this link.
Support to Jajarkot earthquake victims and Hikmat Badi Ashram
December 2023 – With the aim of delivering relief to the victims of the devastating earthquake in Jajarkot, Help for Nepal, in direct collaboration with the Nepal Red Cross, dispatched relief materials worth Rs 600,000.00. Chitra Thapa, the Vice President of Help for Nepal, traveled nearly two days from Kathmandu to reach Limse in Barekot Rural Municipality, Jajarkot, to distribute some of the relief items to the victims.The remaining relief materials were handed over to the rural municipality chairperson to be distributed as needed. On his return, Chitra Thapa also distributed warm school sweaters worth NPR 100,000 to the orphaned children of the Hikmat Badi Ashram in Surkhet on behalf of Help for Nepal. More at this link
Free Health Camp
1-3 October 2021, under the leadership of Nagarjun Learning Centre Trustees, a three days free medical camp was jointly organised by Nagarjun Learning Cente, Lions Club of Bhaktapur Pharmacists and Help for Nepal as the first event at the newly built learning centre. Mr Shreejan Simkhada and Ms Samjhana Basulala plaid a vital role to get clearance from the government, arranging all necessary administration and bring all volunteers to deliver the Health Camp. The event was very well organised and was attended by over 300 people.
Working with Nagarjun Learning Centre
12 September 2021 – We agreed to extend our support to Nagarjun Learning Centre (Registered NGO: 51103) on Professor Nigel Groome’s request. Profesor Nigel has already contributed a large amount of money to duild the Nagarjun Learning Centre and has committed to provide financial support to provide basic IT support, internet facility and teachers salary (for up to three teacher) for next 12 months through Help for Nepal. Professor Nigel Groome is also maintaining a dedicated website for this learning centre.3 September 2021
Our annual report for the period from 1 Feb 20 – 31 Jan 21 was submitted to the Charity Commission.15 July 2021
Landslides and flash floods triggered by heavy rain across Nepal in May/June 2021 killed many lives and many more were missing elsewhere. Melamchi area was badly affected. Despite recent support to National Innovation Centre (NIC) and two Dalit Uplifting programme, Help for Nepal provided RS 215,180.00 to support Melamchi Flood Relief programme. The support was covered by NewsOfNepal.4 July 2021
A general meeting (ZOOM) was held to discuss, edit where necessary and finalize the contract paper between Help4Nepal and MoneyTO. The meeting discussed the key points and finalized the contract paper and authorized the Chairman to sign the contract paper for and on behalf of Help for Nepal. The meeting also discussed and decided to release the funds that was raised with JustGiving page for Nepal Flood Relief Appeal rounded up to the nearest thousand in Nepalese Rupees, by adding a small amount from Help for Nepal account where necessary. Copy of the minutes is also available at this link.
28 May 21
A general meeting (ZOOM) was held to discuss and decide where and how to support Nepal to combat COVID-19 crisis in Nepal. After long discussion, the meeting warded £3,684.40 (RS 600,004.54) to NIC by adding around £250 (+/-) from Charity account where necessary for the following purpose:
1. To produce PPE and distribute to various part of the country including temporary COVID treatment Centre at Chhatreshwori Gau Palika Ward No 6, Bhotechaur, Salyan.
2. To distribute oxygen concentrators to various part of the country as per urgency including Orthopaedic and Trauma Foundation, Bhramarpura Chowk, Janakpur- 7.
3. Repair ventilators and oxygen plants in various part of the country to provide immediate service to COVID-19 patients.The copy of the minutes is available at this link. Our support to National Innovation Centre was covered by from Oxford UK and News of Nepal from Kathmandu.25 May 21
A virtual WhatsApp meeting was held with Dr Mahabir Pun to to discuss how we can support to combat COVID-19 crisis in Nepal. Major (Retd) Surya Upadhya, Mrs Deepa Thapa and Captain (Retd) Tulasi Paudel attended the meeting. The copy of minutes is available at this Link8 May 21
A general meting was held (ZOOM) on Sat 8 May 21 to discuss and decide the following two grant application forms:
- Uplifting of Dalit community in Gorahi Dang West Nepal from Major (Retd) Surya Upadhya.
- Jagarnathpur Dalit Awareness Project, Parsa, East Nepal from Dr Deepak Upadhyay.
The meeting carefully considered both applications and awarded £400.00 each to both applicants. The minutes of the meeting is also available at this link.
10 Apr 21
Help for Nepal in collaboration with Tide Turner Films organized a charity private screening event on Saturday 10 April 2021 at 1700 hours GMT. The event was organized to raise money for two uplifting projects for Dalit community in East and West Nepal.
6 Dec 20
Our first AGM was held on Sun 6 Dec 20 since we moved to Charity Commission’s register from Company House. The meeting was conducted on ZOOM due to COVID-19 pandemic. The copy of the minutes is also available at this link.
15 Nov 20
The brief coverage of our fund to Children’s Peace Home was published in NewsofNepal from Kathmandu.
9 Nov 20
As agreed on our meeting on 1 Nov 20, any fund received into our Bank account by Friday 6 November 2020 (£3034.34) was sent to Children’s Peace Home Nepal.
01 Nov 20
The fund raising programme through JustGiving was closed on 31 Oct 20 and a general meeting was held to discuss about the final disposal of the fund. Please see minutes for more details.
27 Aug 20
Support to Children’s Peace Home (CPH) – Help for Nepal agreed to support Children’s Peace Home (CPH) in Dang, western part of Nepal and agreed to raise fund through JustGiving page. Mr Aatmaram Dahal from Catrick Garrison took a lead to raise fund by committing to run 600+ km in 60 days. Mr Aatmaram Dahal has participated in more than 50 Half and Full Marathons including 100 km long Trail Walker and London Marathon. The CPH, under the leadership of Shri Bhola Yogi has a clear vision to create a home for orphans and underprivileged children where they get the opportunity to study, live and have a holistic life. The CPH has been providing service to orphans, insurgency victims, destitute, and homeless children of Nepal by providing free education, food and accommodations for the last 26 years. It is an established orphanage home where there are currently 32 residential children and 131 day scholar children. A total of 163 students are being benefited by the CPH. I was touched by the service CPH has provided for the last 26 years and is still committed to continue to welcome orphans and underprivileged children for the foreseeable future. The CPH is running its service from the generous contribution from its generous supports. Children Peace at a glance in 4 minutes.
28 Jun 20
Special Zoom meeting was held and the following nominations were agreed unanimously:
- Treasurer: Mrs Deepa Thapa
- Membership Secretary: Mr Prem Kandel
- Membership Secretary: Mr Sanjaya Gurung
- Membership Secretary: Mr Bhanu Sapkota
The Chairman asked all new trustees to submit online form available at
10 Dec 19
Our application to register as Charity has been approved. Help for Nepal was officially in Charity Commission Register. Charity number: 1186858.
16 Sep 19
Help for Nepal provided financial support to the Gulmi district landslide victims by providing £1,491.00 (RS 209,322.00). The cash was handed over to the local authority by one of our directors Mr Chitra Thapa on 16 September 2019.
09 Feb 19
Our first ever medical camp was very successfully completed in liaison with the Chitwan Rotary Club on 9 Feb 19. Eventhough the weather was not that favourable and there was also another similar event going on the same day we have achieved our goal on the day. Two of our founding members were also present on the day. Please visit our gallery page to see photographs of the event.
05 Jan 19
2nd AGM and fund raising event at Everest Nepalese Restaurant. The event went very well and we managed to raise £736.00 on that day. Thank you very much for those attended the fund raising lunch and for those who has contributed without attending the lunch. Your help and contribution was highly appreciated as always. Our special thanks to Mr Tilak, Mrs Lalita and Miss Roshni Upadhya for making the event so successful.
8 Dec 18
Pre-AGM meeting. Decided for AGM on Saturday 5 Jan 19. And also decided to run a one day FREE medical camp at Devghat Chitwan in liaison with Rotary Club of Chitwan. It is likely that Mrs Bhim Kala Gyawali and Mr Prem Kandel, two of our founding members will be attending the medical camp on Saturday 9 February 2019.
20 Apr 18
Help for Nepal received recognised as a Charity for tax purpose from HMRC.
15 Mar 18
A general meeting was held at 15:30pm on 15 Mar 18 for the following purpose:
- To discuss and add more charitable objects in our existing Article of Association.
- To discuss and decide future possible funding applications.
- It was also agreed to submit funding application for the following programmer:
- Poverty Relief “Enhancing Rural Livelihoods Through Cash Crop Cultivation.
- IT Education in Schools.
- Medical Camp “Devghat Relief Programme.
- It was decided to sale Aaludum and Roti on 1st July 2018 (Cowley Road Carnival Day) in front of YETI Restaurant. We need volunteers for this. A special thank you to YETI Restaurant management team for authorising this.
The chairman asked all members to come up with a possible project(s) with necessary information i.e. Location (Where?), Funding source (How?), targeted population (Who?), time to start, time to complete (How long?) and positive results (What changes it will bring?), is it sustainable? etc are main factors to consider. |